Prostate Diagnostic Assessment Program
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer affecting Canadian men. The Canadian Cancer Society estimates one in seven men will be diagnosed in their lifetime.
However, when found early, prostate cancer can be highly treatable. There are also more treatment options available to men when their cancer is detected early. A test that may be ordered by your family doctor based on your specific situation, health history and/or physical exam include a blood test, known as PSA.
Our Prostate Diagnostic Assessment Unit (DAU) is unique in that the patient will first be referred to a urologist by their family doctor for initial consultation. If a decision is made for further tests, the urologist will refer to the DAU to proceed with a biopsy.
Once patients have been referred to the DAU by their urologist, they will work closely with a nurse navigator and the healthcare team to ensure care is coordinated for a timely diagnosis. Treatment options may include surgery, radiation, brachytherapy and chemotherapy.
The Prostate Diagnostic Assessment Unit is located in Clinic E at the R.S. McLaughlin Durham Region Cancer Centre.
From Hospital Court, enter through the main lobby and continue past the food court to the A-wing hallway, located just passed the lobby escalators. Turn left into the A-wing hallway and continue past the double doors into the first floor of the cancer centre. Turn left towards the C-Wing Elevators and continue past them into Clinic E on your right. The reception desk is just inside the doors past the waiting room.
From Parkwood Court, the main entrance to the cancer centre is at the set of hospital doors furthest to the east on Parkwood Court. Come through this entrance and head straight towards the C Wing Elevators. Continue just past the elevators into Clinic E on your right. The reception desk is just inside the doors past the waiting room.
Helpful information
- VIDEO: Management of Prostate Cancer (Dr. Grabowski)
- Discussion of Your Prostate Cancer
- Making Decisions for Your Care and Treatment
- Preparing for Conversations about My Care
- Having Treatment at R.S. McLaughlin Durham Region Cancer Centre
- Prostate Cancer Canada
- Cancer Care Ontario
- TrueNTH
- Canadian Urological Association
- Register for MyChart
- How We Can Help
- Helpful Resources