Patient and Family Advisors

What is a Patient and Family Advisor (PFA)?

PFAs are volunteers who share their unique insights and perspectives from their own lived experience to ensure the voice of the patient and family is heard at Lakeridge Health. They provide input about programs and practices that affect care and services.

What PFAs Do at Lakeridge Health

  • Storytelling – PFAs share their health-care experiences with physicians, team members, and other patients.
  • Committees and Councils – PFAs participate on many committees, councils, and working groups with leadership and team members.
  • Patient Education Materials – PFAs review or help create materials that are provided to patients and family members.
  • Short-Term Projects – PFAs partner with teams on short-term projects or focus groups to help improve services.
  • Serve on a Patient and Family Advisory Council – PFAs meet with other PFAs and team members to discuss and plan changes to improve quality and safety.
  • Recruitment – PFAs participate in the recruitment process and present the concept of person- and family-centred care during this process.

To learn more about the Patient and Family Advisor program, please read this handbook.

To apply to be a PFA, or if you have any questions please contact Lina Reid, Person-Centred Care Consultant at or at 905-576-8711 extension 32434.