Medical Directives

Review and Acknowledgment of Medical Directives

Physicians are required by legislation to sign off initially and if there is a significant change on Medical Directives for which they are deemed to be responsible. To meet the requirement, Lakeridge Health uses a process that links authorization of Medical Directives relevant to your practice to your annual reapplication. The following statement has been included to the Declaration Section of the Reapplication Form:

I have reviewed and acknowledge the Medical Directives for which I am an authorizing physician.

A comprehensive list of all Medical Directives categorized by practice groups is included below. Legacy RVHS Medical Directives can be found on the WAVE.

New Medical Directive for 2024/25:

Going forward, we encourage physician participation in the ongoing revision, and development of both existing and new medical directives.  Should you have any recommendations please contact your section chief, program director, or Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee representative.  We strive for Medical Directives to reflect evidence based best practices.  Your input is welcomed and appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance.

Medical Directives By Practice

All Physicians Providing Service at Lakeridge Health Ajax

All Physicians Providing Service at Lakeridge Health Bowmanville

Anesthetists (Lakeridge Health Oshawa Only)

Anesthesiologists (Hospital Wide)

Cardiologists (Ajax)

Code Blue First Responders

COVID-19 Associated Clinic Physicians

Diagnostic Imaging Physicians


ER Physicians (Hospital Wide)

ER Physicians (Lakeridge Health Oshawa Only)

Family Medicine Obstetrics

General Surgeons



Infectious Diseases Physicians - Positive Care Clinic





Occupational Health Physician(s)


Orthopedic Surgeons

Pediatricians and Neonatologists

PASS Program Physicians

Pinewood Centre Practitioners


Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic Physicians


SACC Physicians

Stroke Prevention Clinic Physicians

Surgeons (Hospital Wide)

Thoracic Surgeons

All Associate, Active, Courtesy Workload and Locum Physicians not listed above