Vaccination Distribution in Durham Region

Posted on Friday December 18, 2020

Lakeridge Health will be one of 17 Ontario hospitals to receive and distribute the Health Canada-approved Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine announced today as part of Phase One of the Ministry of Health’s Vaccine Distribution Implementation Plan for Ontario.

Working in collaboration with our regional health partners, including Central East Local Health Integration Network (LHIN) and Durham Region Public Health, Lakeridge Health will operate a dedicated COVID-19 immunization out-patient clinic, located at Oshawa Hospital.

As outlined in the Vaccine Distribution Implementation Plan, the first two priority populations identified by the province to receive the vaccine are long-term care direct-care employees and high-risk retirement home direct-care workers. Lakeridge Health has started working with Durham Region’s 19 long-term care homes on distribution details, including pre-screening eligible staff. Contact with retirement homes will begin over the coming days.

Timing of the arrival of the vaccine shipment for Durham Region is still being determined.

Lakeridge Health continues to work with our health care partners and the province on details of the mass vaccination plan for Durham Region. It will take time for the implementation of COVID-19 vaccines across the health care sector and throughout the broader community.

To reduce the spread of COVID-19, Lakeridge Health is urging people to remain vigilant by strictly adhering to safety protocols: Physically distance, wear a mask when interacting with anyone outside of your circle and practice hand hygiene. It is critical that we all remain vigilant to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our community.


For more information, contact:

Sharon Navarro